The update of the Ukraine Dairy Map-2024 infographic dedicated to the World Milk Day
On the occasion of a special date for the dairy community of the world -…
Ukraine dairy map 2022. Infographics
The share of extra grade in milk submitted for processing has increased to almost 40%.…
TOP-10 dairy farms in Ukraine
We have renewed the tradition of celebrating the best dairy farms during the International Dairy…
Consultancy Center of AMP has created a textbook
The rapid development and modernization of the world dairy industry, combined with the limited capacity…
The Global Dairy Market Has Entered a Period of Calm
According to Rabobank, in the second half of 2024, the supply of raw milk improved in regions exporting dairy products amid declining demand from dairy…
Summer camps for keeping cows in winter - advantages and disadvantages
Many farmers keep animals in summer camps, and many do so in winter. Exercise for cows. Fresh air. Reduced care costs? Is it really that…

Andriy Dykun and Boris Johnson discussed the possibility of creating a fund to help Ukrainian farmers
The president of the Association of Milk Producers of Ukraine (AMP) Andriy Dykun and the director of the Ukrainian National Agrarian Forum Mariia Didukh met with the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson. The meeting was initiated and organized by the team of the Ukrainian Agri Council.

The Ukrainian agricultural sector can produce 7.8 billion m3 of biomethane per year
The leading Polish biofuel platform, Biomass Media Group, published the expert opinion of Andriy Dykun, president of the Association of Milk Producers and founder of the #SAVEUA charitable foundation, regarding the prospects for biomethane production in Ukraine. Ukraine is already developing legislative regulation of biomethane production, in which the agricultural sector has a key role. So powerful agricultural producers of Ukraine are preparing for the start of production.

Kornelis Huizinga is recognized as the 2022 GFN Kleckner Global Farm Leader Award recipient for informing the world community about the war in Ukraine
Congratulations to Kornelis “Kees” Huizinga on getting the GFN Kleckner Global Farm Leader Awar.

The share of industrial milk in the processing structure exceeded 80%
Despite the difficult wartime conditions, industrial farms continue to work on animal productivity, quality and safety of raw milk.

As of November 1, cow herd losses in the domestic sector are 1.5 times higher than in the industrial sector
According to preliminary data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, as of November 1, there are 2 million 584.3 thousand heads of cattle in Ukraine, which is 14% less than on the corresponding date in 2021. Including, 927.7 thousand cattle (-6.9%) are kept in industrial farms, and 1656.6 thousand (-17.5%) in households.

WE ARE HERE UNTIL THE END: TOV "AF Kyivska" and PSP "Kolos". Farms continue to work.
❝If the active phase of the war continues until the end of the year, the losses of the industrial dairy sector of Ukraine may amount to 100,000 cows. This is roughly a quarter of all industrial livestock. However, we expect that there will be no significant collapse or shortage of dairy raw materials and dairy products on the territory of Ukraine. Farms continue to work. And even when communicating with farms located in the frontline zones, we hear one message: WE ARE HERE UNTIL THE END ❞, - says Hanna Lavreniuk, general director of the Association of Milk Producers.

77 dairy enterprises from the de-occupied territories will receive financial support from the Swiss Government
Switzerland allocated funding to support milk production farms in those regions affected by hostilities, namely: in Chernihiv, Kyiv and Sumy regions.

Substantial reduction in the export of dairy products in October
Exports of dairy products in October decreased as expected, although no one expected such a significant decline. The main reason was the fall in the prices of dairy products on the world market, - says the analyst of the Association of Milk Producers Yana Linetska.