Expert Opinion
Gеorgiі Kukhaіleshvili
Association of Milk Producers

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Milk Price Growth in the EU Slowed Down During the New Year Holidays

The growth rate of raw milk prices in the EU slowed down at the end of the fourth quarter due to the traditional market lull during the New Year holidays. However, the average purchase price in December remained positive due to limited milk supply, according to Georgiy Kukhaleyshvili, an analyst at the Association of Milk Producers of Ukraine.

According to preliminary data from the European Commission, in December 2024, the average price for raw milk in the EU was 53.61 euro cents per kg, which is 0.9% more than in November. Relative to the price as of December 2023, the price of milk in the EU increased by 13%. In December, the price of extra grade milk in Ukraine amounted to 50.80 euro cents per kg.

Relative to November of the current year, the price of raw milk has increased in 15 EU member states. Among large producers and exporters of dairy products, prices for raw materials increased in Denmark to 55.77 eurocents per kg (+1.9%), France to 50.59 eurocents per kg (+1.8%), Italy to 53.30 eurocents per kg (+0.8%) and in the Netherlands to 57.35 eurocents per kg (+3.2%) relative to November 2024. Milk prices rose the most in Estonia to 48.30 euro cents per kg (+3.5%) and in Austria to 55.60 euro cents per kg (+4%).

In December, purchase prices did not change in Germany, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, Malta and Cyprus, compared to October of the current year.

Over the last month, the price of raw milk fell in Slovakia to 42.11 eurocents per kg (-8.7%), in Poland to 55.02 eurocents per kg (-1%), in Hungary to 46.64 eurocents per kg (-0. 8%) and Finland to 51.10 euro cents per kg (-0.4%).

The most expensive raw milk is in Cyprus (66.02 euro cents per kg), Malta (61.33 euro cents per kg) and Ireland (63.22 euro cents per kg). The lowest prices for milk are received by farmers in Slovakia (42.11 euro cents per kg) and Portugal (45.64 euro cents per kg).

Relative to December 2023, raw milk prices increased in 24 European countries, and decreased in 2 countries. Compared to last year, the price of milk rose the most in Ireland (+30.1%), Denmark (+23.5%) and Lithuania (+23.4%), while it fell in price in Spain (-5.9%) and Slovakia (- 4.7%).

Georgiy Kuhaleyshvili notes that a certain slowdown in the growth rate of the average price of raw milk in Europe in December is probably related to the lull in the milk market during the New Year holidays and the reduction in demand from milk processing enterprises. Butter, which was the driver of milk prices during 2024, fell in price in Western Europe to $7,350. per ton At the same time, the reduction of milk production in a number of European countries and the increase in production costs restrained the prices of milk raw materials from falling.

In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in particular in Poland, a drought was observed, which negatively affected the fodder base. Farmers are forced to spend more money due to the rapid increase in the prices of fuel, feed, fertilizers and rising wages. Additional costs are required by the policy of climate protection and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Press Service of the Association of Milk Producers

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