Expert Opinion
Георгій Кухалейшвілі
Асоціація виробників молока

The Global Dairy Market Has Entered a Period of Calm

According to Rabobank, in the second half of 2024, the supply of raw milk improved in regions exporting dairy products amid declining demand from dairy…

Oleksandr Nazarko
Global Agro Finance

Summer camps for keeping cows in winter - advantages and disadvantages

Many farmers keep animals in summer camps, and many do so in winter. Exercise for cows. Fresh air. Reduced care costs? Is it really that…

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food has approved a schedule of consultations on state support

During the last five days before the deadline for submitting applications for state support, businesses will be able to PERSONALLY submit documents at the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food and consult a specialist.

Thus, in the direction of reimbursement of the cost of livestock facilities, the schedule is scheduled for November 9-15.

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