Expert Opinion
Gеorgiі Kukhaіleshvili
Association of Milk Producers

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Substantial reduction in the export of dairy products in October

Exports of dairy products in October decreased as expected, although no one expected such a significant decline. The main reason was the fall in the prices of dairy products on the world market, - says the analyst of the Association of Milk Producers Yana Linetska.

The total export of Ukrainian dairy products in terms of value compared to September decreased by 29.1% — to 25.5 million dollars, in natural terms — by 30% — to 9,000 tons.

The export of drinking milk in October amounted to 2.7 thousand tons, which corresponds to the indicators of the previous month. Export revenue amounted to 1.4 million dollars, which is 2% more than in September. 98% of all milk was exported to Moldova.

The export of milk powder and condensed milk decreased by more than half — 2.1 thousand tons in natural terms (-57.5%) and 6.5 million dollars. (-58.8%) in valuable ones. Due to the large reserves of milk powder in the EU, imports in this direction have decreased significantly. Thus, only 280 tons of product were exported to Poland in the reporting month, compared to 1,040 tons in September. Рrices fell within 5%.

Foreign sales of fermented milk products in October decreased by 28.2% in tonnage - to 234.8 tons and by 41.7% in money - 353.6 thousand dollars. 90% of the entire group was exported to Moldova.

Sales of whey in the reporting period fell by half. Compared to September, the export of dry whey amounted to 989.7 tons (-49.5%) for a total value of 973.3 thousand dollars. (-47.69%). The main buyers were China (525 t) and Vietnam (250 t).

The export of butter decreased not so significantly, but was still in the red compared to September. Poland, the main importer of domestic oil, reduced its volume by a third in October due to the increase in the price of the Ukrainian product and high reserves in the middle of the country itself. In total, 1.7 thousand tons (-12%) of oil were exported for a total value of 10 million dollars. (-10.91%).

AMР analyst Yana Linetska notes that the positive dynamics of export sales was noted only for cheeses. The execution of previously concluded contracts resulted in a plus in three main areas: Kazakhstan (+26% in real terms), Moldova (+22.8%), Poland (+8%). In total, in October, 1.35 thousand tons of cheese (+22.8%) were sold on foreign markets for a total value of 6.2 million dollars. (+22%).

The dynamics of the export of dairy products, millions of dollars

Press service of the Association of Milk Producers