Expert Opinion
Gеorgiі Kukhaіleshvili
Association of Milk Producers

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Antibiotic resistance: new rules for dairy farms. Vitalіі Bashynskyi

One of the requirements of the new Law on Veterinary Medicine is a ban on the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry for prophylactic purposes. Vitalii Bashynskyi, the head of the Public Council at the State Service of Ukraine of Food Safety and Consumer Protection, explains why such a need arose and how it concerns dairy farms.

Antibiotic resistance in microorganisms has reached a critical level worldwide. Today, a large number of microorganisms are already resistant to middle-class antibiotics. In medical practice, cases of antibiotic resistance in children who die from common pneumococcal infections due to their insensitivity to antimicrobial drugs are increasing.

To effectively overcome this problem, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has developed clear instructions for physicians and veterinarians that will help minimize the risks of unwarranted use of antimicrobials.

Thus, in connection with the Association Agreement with the European Union and the approximation of domestic legislation to EU standards in Ukraine on March 21, 2023, the Law "On Veterinary Medicine" comes into force. According to his requirements, the use of antibiotics for prophylactic purposes will be PROHIBITED. In addition, the Ministry of Economy is developing an Order on the use of antimicrobials in veterinary medicine, which will clearly regulate the use of antibiotics of different groups in accordance with the classification of the World Health Organization (WHO).

There are no alternatives. The EU will apply restrictive measures to all trading partners (including Ukraine) that do not have horizontal legislation on antibiotic resistance and animal welfare by 2023.


A dairy farm is a place where microorganisms coexist, often common to animals and humans.

Uncontrolled use of antimicrobials on the farm leads to an increase in the number of bacteria resistant to antibacterial agents. This applies not only to pathogenic microorganisms that can directly or indirectly infect humans, but also to saprophytes - non-pathogenic microorganisms that come into contact with humans on a daily basis and can transfer determinants of resistance to humans in different ways: directly through contact with animals and indirectly through the food chain. water, air and soil, manure.

  • The use of antibiotics of different groups
  • Requirements of the Law on Veterinary Medicine
  • Experience of pig and poultry sectors in implementing antibiotic resistance measures in Ukraine

We will delve into these issues in detail during the National Veterinary Conference within the framework of the 15th International Dairy Congress.

Speaker: Vitaliі Bashуnskyі, Chairman of the Public Council at the State Service of Ukraine of Food Safety and Consumer Protection.

Report: "Antibiotic resistance: how to avoid in dairy farming."


Join us! Registration for the International Dairy Congress by following the link or by phone. 0674705563.

March 1-2, 2022, KyivExpoPlaza. Organizers: ASSOCIATION OF MILK PRODUCERS, DYKUN, Ukrainian Agrarian Council.

Press service of the Association of Milk Producers