Expert Opinion
Георгій Кухалейшвілі
Асоціація виробників молока

The Global Dairy Market Has Entered a Period of Calm

According to Rabobank, in the second half of 2024, the supply of raw milk improved in regions exporting dairy products amid declining demand from dairy…

Oleksandr Nazarko
Global Agro Finance

Summer camps for keeping cows in winter - advantages and disadvantages

Many farmers keep animals in summer camps, and many do so in winter. Exercise for cows. Fresh air. Reduced care costs? Is it really that…

AMР presented the priority areas of state support for cattle breeding

The Association of Milk Producers took part in the discussion of new areas of state support for the agro-industrial complex for 2022, initiated by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

At the beginning of the meeting, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Taras Vysotskyі stressed that the working group of the Agro Association should discuss, approve and submit to the Agrarian Committee by December 1, 2021 a consolidated proposal on existing and new areas of support for agro-industrial complex. Sectoral, discussions to finalize the proposed areas of support with representatives of agricultural associations will take place in November.

Proposals to support dairy farming, developed by experts of the Association of Milk Producers (AMР) together with its members, voiced by the Director General of AMР Наnna Lavreniuk.

Thus, on behalf of AMР, they stressed the importance of maintaining all the areas approved in the Concept of state support for agro-industrial complex for 2021-2024, related to the support of livestock and processing of agricultural products, but be sure to increase their funding.

"Perhaps the greatest demand and effectiveness is the program of partial reimbursement of the cost of purchased breeding resources. However, in 2020, with UAH 300 million pledged to finance the program, applications for UAH 380 million were received from farms, so all farms received proportionally reduced amounts of compensation. This year, the share of compensation has been increased from 50 to 80% of the cost and the list of genetic resources to be reimbursed (goats, sheep) has been expanded. Therefore, it is projected that UAH 350 million pledged for 2021 will also be insufficient. After all, only for 9 months іn 2021, farms have already imported 4% more breeding heifers than in the whole of 2020. Similarly, programs to reimburse the cost of livestock and grain facilities need to increase funding,” commented Hanna Lavreniuk.

Among the new dairy support programs for 2022, AMР stressed the importance of renewing the subsidy for a kept cow or a unit of products delivered for processing - in the amount of UAH 4,000 per cow per year.

Mandatory criteria for recipients of such a support program may be compliance with current veterinary and food legislation and, of course, the sale of milk for industrial processing - such support will stimulate milk production, contribute to the de-shadowing of the raw materials market, faster transformation of the homestead sector official and the transition of the entire industry to new standards of quality and safety of raw milk.

First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Taras Vysotskyі noted that the development of the dairy industry is a priority in the country's agricultural policy, so there will definitely be a dialogue to support the proposals.

The discussion was broadcast online on the Ministry of Facebook page. The record is always available at the link: