Expert Opinion
Георгій Кухалейшвілі
Асоціація виробників молока

The Global Dairy Market Has Entered a Period of Calm

According to Rabobank, in the second half of 2024, the supply of raw milk improved in regions exporting dairy products amid declining demand from dairy…

Oleksandr Nazarko
Global Agro Finance

Summer camps for keeping cows in winter - advantages and disadvantages

Many farmers keep animals in summer camps, and many do so in winter. Exercise for cows. Fresh air. Reduced care costs? Is it really that…

87 livestock farms received veterinary drugs and equipment

During the period of collaborative work of Association of milk producers of Ukraine, Ukrainian Agri Council and Association of pig producers of Ukraine on collecting and delivering of humanitarian aid, as of June 1, 87 livestock farms have already received veterinary drugs, expendable materials and equipment to support the work of farms that suffered from hostilities for at least a month.

However, the challenges facing affected dairy farms need much greater support. After all, each of them believes and works to restore!

On World Milk Day, are grateful to partners, companies and foundations for the unity and cohesion. Thank you for joining our initiatives and supporting the farms affected by the war. And we ask you to continue humanitarian cooperation for the food security of Ukraine and the world!

Go ahead! Let's win together, let's rebuild together!